Chosen as the BCA 2022-2023 guest graphic designer for the 1:1 Mills Gallery series, I designed a series of four posters featuring portals, windows, or frames into each of the featured artists’ work.
Each cover uses the same overall structure while the typography, color, paper stock, and graphic motifs shift.
The brochure folds out to reveal a poster.
The series’ concept of portals and frames around the use of architecture and public space in Anukriti’s pieces.
Brooke Stewart incorporates elements relevant to her portrait sitters work and life in the paper on which she prints her work. I suggest samples of the paper and portraits in the poster for her show.
Cedric Harper uses a signature heavyweight stencil font as text throughout his work.
Inspired by the nets and camouflage concepts used in Mimi Bai’s Hide and See show.